There’s really no big mystery about why some stuff gets passed around on the interwebs: forwarded, linked, re-linked and re-re-linked. Here’s the formula:
Step 1. Create great (valuable, interesting, memorable) content that people want.
Step 2. Repeat Step 1.
Being boring online nets you nuttin’.
Snooze-worthy content doesn’t get shared. It gets ignored, relegated to the virtual heap and forgotten. Fast. In a world of infinite choices and limited attention spans, you gotta ask yourself, “Why would anyone in their right mind want to read this?” Let alone share it.
How to boost your CSQ (Content Sharing Quotient).

People share stuff that makes them look good, feel smart, be the one to break hot news or seem like one of the “cool kids.” In other words: “Enlighten me, entertain me, challenge me, educate me”… and I’ll reward your efforts (and increase your online value) by sharing you with my world.
Think of your website’s content as a cake. If it’s bland, old and beyond stale, nobody wants to eat it (much less pass any around to their friends). But put out fresh, tasty and unique treats on a regular basis – and they’ll get forwarded and shared like virtual hotcakes.
Hey, I said it was simple. I didn’t say it was easy. Now go forth and create killer content.