Video, shmideo. Who needs it?

Video, shmideo. Who needs it?

You do! And here’s why. When folks visit a company’s website, what content do they find the most compelling? What holds their interest way longer than static images and text? And, most importantly, what’s remembered after anything else on that site is forgotten?

Video, my friend. A synergistic mix of motion, audio and memorable storytelling, a clever video marketing piece piques curiosity. It also taps into that all-important emotional aspect of the decision-making process. Not to mention that visuals are processed by our noggins 60,000 times faster than text. (I swear I didn’t make that up; some really smart people at 3M Corporation did the research.)

Looky here!

Our client, Cyan Design, consistently delivers videos so yummy they simply cannot be ignored. “Proof/pudding,” you ask? Go ahead…taste one:

The purposes of repurposing.

Sure, video costs more to produce than just buying some generic stock photos or illustrations. But creating a video isn’t a one-time content marketing investment. On top of running it on their website, Cyan Design also uses it in their e-mail marketing efforts, PR campaigns and trade show booths. Plus, it’s the foundation from which three additional product group mini-movies have been made.

As part of your overall marketing plan, videos are GREAT examples of how to repurpose those often-costly creative tasks (and get the most mileage from your creative bucks). Here’s the deal: our client was already planning their next catalog photo shoot. So why not capture it on video at the same time? Since the basic elements would already be in place, just map out some creative in-motion camera shots, hire a spiffy video editor for the post-production magic*…and voila. Houston, we have video!

Let’s talk dollars and sense.

(Pardon the pun.) So, what are a few of the bottom-line benefits of incorporating professional-looking, memorable video into your content marketing plan? How about growing your business. Reinforcing your brand message. And having the powerful tools you need to compete on the same playing field as the bigger guys.

Here at The Fowler Group, our team has the left-brain business smarts and the right-brain creative grey matter you need to tackle that next (or first!) business video project. Give us a call or swing by to talk about (and look at) the videos we’ve done and what we can create for you. Just let us know if you want butter on your popcorn or not.

*Do not let your nephew edit your company’s video. Just because he has “… this killer program on my computer, man…” doesn’t make him an editor.