When it comes to grabbing someone’s attention in the business world, you only have about two seconds longer than…
When TFG began redesigning our own website (this here one), everyone at the table had an equal vote: web designers, web…
Let’s talk web app development. First, I need to make this crystal clear: this post is not about website development; it’s about…
“When two men in business always agree, one of them is unnecessary.” ~ William Wrigley, Jr. Unless you’re servicing…
There’s really no big mystery about why some stuff gets passed around on the interwebs: forwarded, linked, re-linked and…
You do! And here’s why. When folks visit a company’s website, what content do they find the most compelling?…
Sending out e-mails is a lot more complicated than having your spouse or uncle or secretary (or your uncle’s…
Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about the placebo effect as it relates to marketing. How the power of…
On a recent Friday afternoon, I answered a panicked call from a former prospect who hadn’t chosen TFG. (Hard…
Ever worked with a marketing agency? If you have, you know it can be a bit like a blind…