Everybody could use a wizard. Or two.

Everybody could use a wizard. Or two.

Speaking from personal experience, all creative folks are driven to be the absolute best at what we do. We all want to have the coolest style, the killer designs and the strongest voice. But whether you work in a creative job or not, we each need motivational role models in our own respective field.

Successful architects explore and study whose buildings inspire them. Painters seek inspiration from other artists and use their techniques as a springboard to self-discovery. So…who are your professional role models?

How to make your role models work for you.

When you’ve absorbed all the knowledge you can from one hero, it’s time to find another. This continual self-improvement quest reaps amazing rewards, both professionally and personally. Now I’m not saying you should just copy what these other geniuses have done. But utilize their knowledge and adapt it to fit your style, needs and techniques. Remember: it’s about innovation…not imitation.

Now, back to that wizard thing.

In the books written by J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter had many role models – but he didn’t try to become exactly like them. (He didn’t walk around trying to fill Dumbledore’s shoes.) Instead, to protect and save those around him, Harry built upon the Headmaster’s teachings – bringing to bear his powerful new knowledge and amazing skills.

When was the last time you sought inspiration to learn something new? If you can’t remember, you’re way overdue.