Hiring the wrong crew to cook and serve up your content?

Hiring the wrong crew to cook and serve up your content?

At the risk of sounding like this guy, I’m asking this question before you read this excerpt: “Who the hell is cooking up this crap and serving it as if it were anything resembling actual copywriting?”

          We are the best content writing company that has all it takes to treat you with outstanding
          content writing services that will always compel you to turn to us whenever you are in need of
          content writing services.

Huh? In the words of Chef Gordon Ramsay, “That tastes like rubbish!” Okay, here’s the deal: Just because someone uses the title “copywriter” (and claims to know what they’re doing) doesn’t make it true. Or even remotely accurate.

What’s in a name?

Awhile back, I bumped into a guy I’d gone to high school with that I hadn’t seen in at least 10 years. It went something like this:
“Hey __________ (name withheld to protect the poor guy), so what are you doing these days?”
That Guy:
“Who me? Ummm, ahhh, I’m a Food Line Production Specialist.”
“Really? Hmmm. Interesting.”
That Guy:
<insert really awkward pause> “Okay! Okay! I fry fish at Long John’s!”

All the while he was probably thinking, “I really should go with ‘Director of Meat Temperature Accuracy and Public Safety’.” Next time you’re tempted to buy copy and/or content from someone claiming to be an expert? Remember “That Guy” and ask for proof. Lots of proof. Tangible proof.

Here’s what real, made-from-scratch copywriting is not.

  • It’s not a last-minute afterthought that you ask that guy to cook up just because he can stir a can of baked beans with a spork.
  • The “copy” part of copywriting doesn’t mean “copy” your keywords and then sandwich them between the allotted word count for SEO keyword density (that’s fancy web talk for cramming ten pounds of search engine words into a five-pound sentence that nobody will read).
  • It’s not a commodity. Ordering “10 dollars’ worth” of copy delivers the same value to your business as a mystery meat burrito does to your arteries.
  • It’s not easy. I don’t care what click-and-order-cheap-content websites say. Your copywriter must understand your business AND know a lot about marketing – which requires time and hard work from a seasoned pro. Don’t slough it off on the receptionist, the new kid or try to order from some random automated service (no matter how tempting their promises may be).
  • It’s never something that “doesn’t really matter.” It says way more about your company than you probably realize (good and bad).

You can’t serve tasty, memorable copy made from stale vending machine ingredients.

We’ve all received countless unsolicited offers from “experts” peddling their cheap SEO and content-writing services. In fact, two more landed in my inbox today. Don’t do it, wo/man!!! Remember:

  • SEO is not copywriting (and vice versa). Before Google changed the rules, very few companies that were SEO all-stars had the chops to slice and dice adjectives and pronouns properly – much less write compelling copy that folks want to read.
  • Just because someone can write doesn’t mean they should write, especially when you need effective, persuasive copy to sell your products/services to message-weary prospects in an already-flooded market.
  • A fry cook is not a chef. To deliver, s/he isn’t required to perform creative magic in the kitchen. S/he just needs to be able to push a button, lower the basket into a vat of hot oil and then listen for the “DING!” Fries are ready.

Need help? Give us a call and TFG’s copywriting connoisseurs will show you how it’s done the right way. Unless you’re looking to purchase copywriting like most people buy their lunchmeat, in which case these guys can slice off a few pounds of processed words while you wait. Consume at your own risk.