Creative cultures and combovers.

Creative cultures and combovers.

Or how we cultivate our creative kookiness.

We creative types revel in being eccentric. We’re different than most (and damn proud of it). A rare breed, if you will. And being different gives us the freedom to do what we like to do, what we do best – and get paid for it! You can’t beat that with a stick.

Now, most times we appear normal, but get to know us and you’ll discover we’re basically a heaping pile of nerdy goodness. We admire miraculous comb-overs, listen to the widest-possible range of music and call each other “Bobby” for no good reason. That’s just how we roll here at TFG.

Why the heck are we here?

We’re in this business because we love the challenge of creating something bigger than ourselves. It’s not about the money or the job opportunities. It’s about passion for a field that relies solely on creative minds. It’s a total rush to see part of ourselves leave the door and float off into the world.

Where does creativity come from?

Think of the “act” of creating as trying to catch a dandelion in the wind. Developing ideas can be like a spark that ignites immediately or a frustrating struggle; the process is both incredibly challenging and overwhelmingly fun. There are days you just get your groove on. Other times, your noggin is just dog tired – and not even mass quantities of Red Bull can generate enough brain power for the rest of the work day.

At some point, we all need a kick in the creative ass.

So, what do we do when feeling creatively challenged? Here at TFG, it’s all about the happy workspace. While the casual observer may think we’re “not working very hard,” it’s very often the laughter, movie debates, bouncing ideas around and just chewing the fat with this quirky crew that shift our brains into high gear.

Great concepts don’t create themselves…people do. One time, we collectively brainstormed something larger than ever imagined while discussing a very emotional relationship one of us had with a great-horned owl named King Arthur. Yeah yeah yeah, you want to know the story, but too bad.

You can’t play to win by playing it safe.

Henri Matisse once said, “Creativity takes courage.” Man, was he ever right! Sure, you can take the safest path, but what’s fun about that? Not a damn thing. Does safety push the boundaries or hinder you beyond belief? Being an artist is hard. Putting pieces of yourself out into the world to be critiqued and judged can be heart-breaking. But creative success means putting on your big-kid underpants, taking risks and dealing with the lumps that come along with it.

In the end – when you accept it – all these moments help you grow. Have the courage to spark change, create something new and do stuff you’ve never done before. And if you need a push in the “big idea” department, give our creative whiz kids a shout. We’d love to help you color outside the lines.