To do direct mail or not to do direct mail. That is the question.

Learn why it’s the perfect time to launch a killer campaign.

Dacia (TFG’s dynamite direct mail doyenne) dishes about not only why today’s marketplace is ripe for smart, snazzy and well-executed direct mail – but how important a tool direct mail is in building your brand.

VIDEO TRANSCRIPT To do direct mail or not to do direct mail. That is the question.

We are going to discuss the red-headed stepchild of the marketing tool family and that is direct mail. It shouldn’t be the red-headed child because right now your mailbox is probably more empty than it has been in years so it’s a perfect opportunity to engage. So, two questions you should really ought to be asking yourself. Do I need to do this and will it work for me? Let’s talk about the first question in this segment. If you invest in events, whether it’s trade shows or whether you have a physical location, this needs to be a part of your planning and invitation process. Direct mail is a must. Number two. If you need to build a better, stronger data base. If you don’t have a really good handle on who you’re engaging with or you don’t know a lot about them, as long as you have commitment and discipline, this is a marvelous way to build a database that’s truly going to drive revenue and grow your business for a long haul. So this is a long term planning piece. Three. If you are trying to really support and promote brand impression so say, for instance, you’re the number three, number four spot in your market, and you’re really making a go at the competition, this is excellent. You absolutely need to support your other engagement strategies, whether it’s search engine optimization, whether it’s PR, social media, you need your brand name and your brand impressions on their desk in their place of business. And then last but not least, it’s just a fun tool to really get snarky and aggressive out there and to start testing some specific strategies. You know, whether you’re doing AB or split testing to find out what message resonates better with people or whether you’re targeting a brand new market, or promoting a new service and you’re trying to figure out which messaging works better, you can just test and apply analytics so effectively with direct mail. Now again, this is on your analytical side and your planning side and your commitment side, just like that first bullet points that I brought up. But it’s an excellent, excellent tool to really get smart about how you go to market and what you know about what your target market wants. Hope this helped. If you would like us to help you more and help structure your direct mail campaign coming up to support some of your business calls, please give me a call.