Assess your B2B marketing gap with a smart content audit.

Finally. The audit you actually want to do.

Dacia (TFG’s very own magical marketing maven) discusses the business-to-business breach between what you know and what your customers know. Our B2B website content audit exposes the leaks in your marketing funnel – and shows you where those holes need to be plugged.

VIDEO TRANSCRIPT Assess your B2B marketing gap with a smart content audit.

Hi, I’m Dacia. I’m the Vice President and the Marketing Strategist at The Fowler Group. What I want to ask you today is do you know what you know. What I mean by that is oftentimes when we engage in the sales cycle, we are coming in up here. This is what we think, breathe, eat, live, daydream all day long, all the time. Unfortunately, our prospects are down here. They may have just kind of heard of us, or maybe, they know of us, but they’ve really never been inside, and this gap is enough information for them or enough space and information for them to escape out the back door and go knock on your competitor’s door. What we do when we engage with our clients is we usually take clients through something called a content audit. In my 15 years doing marketing and sales, I have never had a company bring the content and the compelling message to me in a way that would really resonate with their target market. Now, this is not about wordsmithing: move the comma, check the Thesaurus, make sure of the word count that is inside of the brochure. No, what I’m talking about is, are you evoking an emotion that’s going to make them pick up the phone and call you, and the answer is probably not because you’re so busy that you’re just assuming people understand what you mean. You know what, they’re so busy, too, that they don’t have the time to ask the questions that you would like them to ask or to make that mental leap to really understand. You need to water things down and engage with them respectfully that takes their schedule and their needs into consideration. So, we’d love to help you with this, but whether you’re calling an agency and engaging with someone like me to really help you apply methodology to what you’re doing and how you go to market, or if you’re working on a project for your own company internally and you’re trying to lead the charge. Please make sure that you come up with a really deliberate and appropriate approach to identify where are the gaps in what you’re trying to say, and is what you’re saying exactly what you meant to say. Because if you’re like most people, you probably haven’t even read your own website in a couple of years. Maybe, right now might be the good time to go back and start trying to do that. Thanks.